“My old manifestation & crystal techniques aren’t working!”
… So now what?
2024 has had a flood of emails
pour into my inbox,
…all asking variations of the same thing:
Here’s the thing…
The external pressures & internal stress…are real.
You are not making it up
& you’re not alone.
It’s times like these we find ourselves wishing
life came with a practical set of instructions
about how to reset your energy quickly
when things got out of alignment.

A “Break In Case Of Emergency” toolkit in the event of a much needed Energy Tune Up.
If you answered “Yessss”
…you’re in the right place
I’m the person who people turn to when the physical world fails them or they are at rock bottom.
I’ve helped 1000’s of people work out what they need to do and find their flow state..
And in my spare time I created a super practical 9 step process (that is repeatable) for when being human gets messy
These times are not for the feint hearted.
Right now if you dont have your spiritual wits about you… life is serving up cosmic curveballs.
These times require us to take all our spiritual knowledge and apply it in new ways to work with the evolving physical landscape.
Maybe you’ve found yourself thinking
And when you then turn to your spiritual practices and teachings from the last 10 years…
they feel outdated, non-inclusive
& like you’re being gas-lit.
In fact, old paradigm spiritual teachings
or lacklustre quick fix TikTok videos
will often leave you feeling:

Right now- we’re in need of a spiritual revolution.
The patriarchal versions of spirituality (hello institutionalised religion) and the new age version of spiritual teachings (hello tik tok pop-up teachers) were not complete, and have not been used with the right intention or equipped for the journey we now find ourselves in.
We’ve come to realise that the spiritual tools we’ve used, inherited, borrowed or unconsciously absorbed… were never going to be enough to create our own personal or collective revolution and liberation. Something was missing and the point of power amongst it seems to have been lost.
So how do we break the chains and break the cycle,
move beyond the new age fluff and move beyond the spiritual band-aids?
It’s time to understand that our liberation begins with equipping ourselves with a spiritual tool kit that is designed to equally nourish and activate. Empowering us with a balanced blend of self reliance (learning to save ourselves) as well as feeding back into the collective connection. #Whole Squad Vibrating Higher.
Let's cut to the chase:
You're not just connected to the universe's power – you ARE that power.
It's not some wishy-washy idea- it's a fact!
You've got a direct line to the energy that makes everything tick.
Using that power isn't just some spiritual bonus – it's your birthright.
It's time to stop asking for permission - start owning your cosmic connection.
We often forget that we are energetic beings first.
So where do we go when OUR
Energy, Body and Mental Systems need tuning up?
Welcome to The Tune Up
A simple 9-week step-by-step program designed to Reset, Ignite and Accelerate your energy.
Your Spiritual Toolkit for These Transformative Times
Facilitated by your Energy Mentor: Lynette Arkadie
Definition: Tune-Up (noun)
:A process in which small changes are made to something (such as an engine or energy system) in order to make it work better. A kind of preventative maintenance to ensure it continues to perform well.
: An event or activity that helps you practice or prepare for a more important event or activity.
I’m Lynette.
and I’m The Energy Mentor
I see, hear, feel and understand the language of energy.
It is my gift and my passion.
My love language and superpower is reminding you of your spiritual power.
I'm a fully qualified teacher (BachED / Communications), but my classroom extends far beyond four walls. I've guided thousands of Soul Travellers like you to understand and harness their energy and transform their lives.
Globally, I'm known for my clairvoyant readings and energy mapping. But I'm not just a reader - I'm a full-time Spiritual mentor, dedicated to teaching about spirit and energy. Predominantly I am sought to clairvoyantly read, vision & map energy for Soul Travellers, organisations and creative ventures across the globe.
But I am also a dedicated Full-time Energy Mentor, and I have taught 1000’s of Soul Travellers like you, to learn how to direct and use their spiritual and metaphysical energy.
I help people understand it, get to know how to use it, connect, shift & realign it, which changes their physical world and enhances their life journey.
Not sure how to say this any other way….but I’m NOT a spiritual influencer (even though I am on the Gram).
I have spent many long days guiding people through the roughest, deepest and oddest of times. Providing answers to spiritual, mental and physical quandaries. Encouraging and teaching the actions that create the best solutions and change.
My experience has been hard-earned hands on, in the trenches, one and one and spiritually holding large groups.
For context my expertise comes not from books or as seen on Tik Tok. I have lived the journey, and I pass on my wisdom from 25 years of energy mapping and spiritual mothering 1000’s of souls. For context, I was holding breathwork energy processing days with a 100+ people, 20 years ago before it was cool and when we had to pretend we weren’t.
This is not a hobby or side hustle for me.
It is my life work and something I take incredibly seriously and will spend the rest of my days serving my community spiritually as best I can.
Featured By
and trusted by thousands of clients from the highly visible
(& very well known) to the humbly hidden.
After reading the energy of thousands of Soul Travellers, I’ve come to the point where I realised, in the abridged words of Desmond Tutu, that “we as spiritual teachers need to stop pulling people out of the river and teach them why they are falling in”.
That our individual energy systems are intrinsically connected to the systems and decisions made around us. And we need new understandings to help us navigate the new obstacles: both personal and systemic.
From this awareness, The Tune Up and my other teachings were born.
I know they need to not only be informative, but they need to be practical and offer real spiritual and energetic solutions to modern-day problems.
We are all busy and overdoing things, for the sake of it. And what the world needs now is engaged, activated and truthful pursuit.
As the structures around us buckle, and the Age of Pisces ends, its the frequency of The Age of Aquarius that demands our evolution.
It’s time to face the difficult truth: we've been emotionally addicted to the illusion of certainty, and now we're in withdrawal.
Spiritual power is no longer a cute accessory or a weekend retreat. It's a necessity. Our actions must eclipse our words, and our power must be activated on every level, in every dimension. It must be genuine, deeply understood, and felt in our bones.
Too many spiritual teachers are silent when they need to be loud or sound like wafty Caricatures with no real solutions when people most need them. Like they are speaking on rote, without being able to back it up with real knowledge or practical experience to energetically change a situation.
Devoid of what true spiritual power means.
And that is when I realised, I've been channelling the roadmaps and tools for navigating this era since the dawn of my spiritual journey. And I'm thrilled to share them with you.
In the coming years, a new energy matrix will emerge, and I'll be dedicating myself to teaching and sharing this knowledge far and wide. We're on the brink of new understandings, healing breakthroughs, and the chance to rise up in a revolutionary paradigm.
I'm right here with you, in the thick of it. I am you, and I know it's tough. But we have what it takes.
I want us all - you, me, and everything in between - to break free from the chains of oppression and have the #Whole Squad Vibrating Higher.
We always had the power.
We truly just need to remember and use it in the way it was intended.
I’ve had clients refer to me as…
And it just so happens the time is now
and the wind is blowing in just the right way
Join me on an exciting journey
A step-by-step process to reset
your spiritual compass
& create new realities.

So, how do we get “out of tune”?
As an Energy Mentor, the way I see it, is that we are all made up of matter ….but we’re also a complicated cluster of energy, electricity and vibration connected to a big universal high frequency source.
When we do things that alter this vibration we change the way energy moves in and around us.
It's that simple.
I like to use the analogy of a musical instrument.
When you carry that instrument or movie it around, or the temperature changes, it naturally shifts the way the strings vibrate, creating different levels of harmony.
Things move around in our life too, sometimes unexpectedly. Or sometimes we see them coming but have no idea how to cope.
Shocks, energy loss, relationship changes, illness, psychological stress, parenting challenges, employment shifts, financial strain, fatigue, spiritual transitions or lack of community and support, all contribute to the drain on our body, mind, spirit and ability to respond.
Being out of tune or ‘Dissonance’ is a feeling that can sometimes feel like
It’s all falling apart!
Everything is just too difficult or is just not working!
I am finding this hard.
I don’t know what to do?
I feel stuck!
Lets face it…..just living in 2024!
Why is
being ‘in tune’
We are actually the instruments that the divine energy is working through all the time.
For example, when we experience disappointment our energy drops, we even can show that through our body language – dropping our head, our eye gaze lowering etc.
Sometimes, we haven’t learnt how to correct that frequency drop or turn it into something that will benefit us.
Sometimes we feel unlucky.
Yet if we look closer at this it can actually be put down how our energy, mind and body are reacting to our world and circumstances. In turn, this affects how we are able to receive, hold and direct energy.
And the more people who have a strong concept of their own personal power and sovereignty, the more we become creators of new paradigms that liberate and nurture the collective.
And equally, we contribute to the spiritual health of society.
The idea that
“everything is energy”
is not a woo-woo concept.
It’s a scientifically
proven fact
(just do a deep dive
on metaphysics 101
if you don’t believe me)
You’ve no doubt heard the buzz word ‘frequency’ … Well essentially, frequency is a repeating pattern of oscillation. Each of us has a frequency or pattern we are operating at.
Our bodies, our heartbeats, even our earth matter is composed of different systems, which are all made up of energy particles.
For example, bodies – our organs and tissues are made of cells, which are made of molecules which are made up of atoms. Atoms are then made of subatomic particles that are made of (drum roll…..) energy! Atoms are made up of quarks and photons, which have no physical structure. And much of that is made up of space.
all Potential energy
All awaiting instruction
Sometimes when we look at it, the instructions we’re giving our energy are not clear or serving us.
Being “in-tune” is something we can learn to reset quickly, providing us with a solid foundation to work from.
When we are “in-tune”, we become the gravity in our life again.
We take agency and ownership of our ability to direct the flow in our personal world and on a collective level.
The other thing is that this power has often been kept from us or dismantled, robbing us of this birth right.
What does
The 9-week Tune Up do?
The processes in the 9-week Tune Up will guide you to remember how to activate your energy and power again, by taking you through a specially designed Step by Step framework of exercises and discussions..
You hold the key to your own lock...
I Just help you find it.
Maybe you need the support and energy to cope with wherever your at right now.
Maybe you need direction or simply want to create.
Maybe you need to attract a new opportunity or inspiration.
Perhaps you’re feeling blocks around abundance, security or well-being.
Maybe you’ve been sucked into a vortex of endless scrolling on social media looking for for the next dopamine hit
Maybe you feel like you haven't found your soul tribe or just feel off the railway track of life.
These are all totally normal feelings and experiences especially as you begin to open or continue along a spiritual path.
The key is that when we move back into tune with our own energy system, we become powerful beyond measure. The natural awakening about how we can change things and our world becomes clear.
When we are in tune, we begin to move in harmony
with ourselves and the world around us.
Life naturally unfolds, we open to our intuition,
start to become curious and we can then see how to move with it.

But before we go on…
Lean in & listen
There's an important distinction I need to make.
All too often in the spiritual spheres everything is about getting ‘stuff’ about ‘vision boards of stuff’ and insert power mottos of achievement success and other past life paradigm mottos. Uggghhh.
If it was as easy as an inspirational quote post… you know what I mean? Enough said.
So let me just be clear.
This journey may give you the ‘stuff’ you want (and its happened many times if you read the testimonials of previous students)…but there’s a difference here.
That’s not what I teach nor is it the goal.
What I’m teaching you is alignment and connection to your energy and self so you can direct the entire flow of your life better.
It requires a commitment to do the work, to be open and gentle with yourself and persistent.
For me that’s the real stuff . It’s the foundation on which everything builds.
The things that make life joyful, powerful, exciting and full of wonder.
Because see the universe has much more in store for us than we can ever imagine .. once we are back in tune with it.
Its’ a spiritual truth. One that stops you in your tracks when you realise the possibilities and a fundamental requirement in building personal power. 🤯 (mind blown)
The Tune-Up process is me teaching you a mystical method that you can return to over and over when you need ‘tuning in’ or find yourself out of tune or need re-alignment.
I am an Energy & Mystical Teacher - not a sorcerer.
I don’t waste my time with silly fortune telling or pandering to energies that are not going to bring you into a simple and strong foundation that actually works.
I want to help you change your life and help you move into your divine flow and feel safe, secure and powerful no matter what the circumstance.
That’s my passion.
The events and situations in our lives can AND WILL change, but this method can be re-applied over and over.
The tune-up will activate your intuition. It will help you see what needs changing, It will inspire you to change it and will increase the divine flow into your life and put you back in the drivers seat.
The ‘stuff’ tends to take care of itself if you really want it,
however, this is about ‘nuts and bolts’ energy tools.
A journey that raises your consciousness and helps to examine where things are blocked in the pipes right now - which may be potentially blocking the ‘stuff’.
What we do is about more than stuff and makes you feel better than any stuff ever could.
My Role
as a Spiritual Teacher
& Mentor
I can't change the upcoming US election, the COVID-19 journey, lockdowns, Govt directives or all the problems of the bigger world (even though you’'ll see and hear me commenting on it.)
What I can do is help you alter your personal alignment and consciousness so you have better management over your energy and your immediate world.
I can empower you with the same tools I use daily to swim in this energy and these currents (no matter how intense they get). And even learn how to thrive in environments you struggled with energetically before.
I can teach you how to align, tune in and open your energy to a new flow and path moving forward. In the process connecting you more to your intuition and the spiritual support available to you.
This is a process of learning how to energetically respond rather than react.
It allows you to open to the possibilities that life and all experiences have to offer.
What I can do is help you get your energy right on the right track, in alignment and your world in order to allow the energy to flow in the right direction again.
I’ve been teaching clients and students how to do this for nearly 20 years so this course also comes from years and years of experiences of actually applying this to my own life as well.
And now I want to share it with you.
Usually, I run a really big deep-dive year-long mentor course (called The EMP) which is a huge commitment for the individual participants. We go way off-road and do a lot of deep personal excavation work while travelling down a Yellow Brick Road. It’s a much bigger investment of both finance and time.
But right now there is a calling and need for people to access something concise, quick and that can help people tune up their energy, mind and body system in just 9 weeks.
With neat checklists, instructions, videos and dedicated group time with me each week to answer your questions about course topics- this program is designed with that in mind.
And sure – if you like you can always come along for a bigger ride with me later on and go deep diving if you feel the calling.

Why is this different?
Over the years I’ve come to understand that very few people see, hear and feel energy and how it interacts with the physical, at the level I do.
Many people are intuitive but putting it all together and being able to teach others how to get it moving for them…. is an entirely different thing.
See, once you’ve sat in front of (and unpacked) 1000’s of peoples energy systems and dilemmas, you come to quickly identify the reasons it’s not flowing properly. I can easily identify where we need to energetically do the work and which tools are required in your tool belt to really create change but also cope with life.
…And some of them may truly surprise you.
I found that although the situation that has caused the discord is important… the basics and foundations of energy are all the same.
The difference is (and one of my super powers) identifying the energy road blocks and then figuring out the specific order in which to tend to it. Those two things in combination will help start new energy flowing again
Essentially if you learn how to tune yourself up, you can begin to reset from that experience and use it to step into the next evolution.
And this can be repeated over and over.
On a side note I love systems (born on the day of the system builder) and found that real progress is made by working the flow chart of the sacred energy system in ways that we can easily do in the modern world and in ways our energy is connected into and responds to quickly.
A system that gets the pump
flowing properly
and builds new connection.
Let me be super clear that i’m not a “guru” and totally balk at that concept. I’m not “specially chosen” blah blah blah. Ugghhh!!
I’ve just spent decades reading people and working on my own energy and started to see the same patterns repeating client after client when I would sit with them.
I got to a point where having a long wait list is both a wonderful thing- but actually somewhat of a hindrance if I cant help everyday people learn how to drive their energy systems.
That’s why I do what I do.
I am a Teacher, an Energy Mentor and I can help people reset the spiritual, energy, mind and body connection.
I work with both the ancient understandings of energy alongside modern psychological understandings that create huge energetic changes in the physical world.
I know this work back to front:
the system & the flow.
I’ve distilled & developed this class out of my year-long program to help people get their system and the pump flowing properly. I have taught that process to 100’s of people and now this is available to begin that journey in a simply & more accessible way.
It is fuelled by my ability to Hear, See and Feel energy and working with the energy system.
This is not about getting everyone to speak the same notes – it’s about getting you into the harmony/attunement with yourself so you can sing your own song. “harmony is the inner cadence of contentment we feel when the melody of life is in tune.”
This process is tried and tested and is simple, easy to do, and a complete process that can be reapplied whenever you need another tune up.
I use Actionable steps that can be repeated over and over to re-correct your energy alignment, course direction and flow into your life and body.
This is Not an outcome based journey but one that leads to the destination naturally.
There will be times to go deep and process and then there is time to make small changes – sometimes its something small that leads to something big.
I did The Tune Up and….

Who is the 9-Week Tune up for?
If you identify as a soul traveller who is committed to their own spiritual journey and is looking for a starting place- this is for you.
If you’re looking for a simple step by step guided process that isn’t going to take years to complete- this is for you
If you’re stuck and feel like the foundation inside is missing or perhaps something is out of tune or not in place- this is for you
If you’re finding it hard to find the beauty in others or in the world around you-this is for you
If you feel disconnected from your higher self and intuitive guidance - this is for you
If daily life seems to be a series of frustrations or your feeling that sadness or hopelessness are permeating your life…and you want to look at changing that -this is for you
If you feel like you have been trying to bring through change and you keep ending up in the same spot -this is for you
If you’ve been looking for a spiritual teacher and mentor to help you step deeper into the journey and beyond the books- this is for you
If you are ready to invest in yourself financially, energetically, emotionally and wanted to do some consistent work with me but haven’t had the full-year or financial commitment to do so- this is for you
Each step of this process brings new awakening and new connection into how it feels to live back in alignment.
I am very excited to share this very special tune up process with you.
It is simple, powerful and something that is my honour to guide you through.
So I ask you Soul Traveller
Will you to join me for 9 weeks
so I can teach you the simplest ways to get your energy in tune to open to the path available to you?
But what does the journey look like?
Good question.
Obviously I keep my secret processes and methods in my magic carpet bag…but here’s a brief overview of each of the modules.
You will learn the foundation theories of the energy and intuitive system to support the process and awaken your natural intuitive current.
You will get to hear feel and see yourself in ways that may not have been possible due to noise and distraction.
You will see where your energy, being & life is out of tune. Learning how to create a response to that and be able to refer back to the tools to ensure that you can reset the imbalance.
You will develop energy and intuitive awareness
You will learn how to apply energy activation, visualisation and meditation to help with the resetting process.
You will learn how the energy/spiritual, mental and emotional affects the physical world and how the physical, emotion and mental worlds effect the spiritual world,
You will learn a system of resetting the physical, energy, emotional and spiritual worlds that you can repeat over as required.
Each weekly step comes with:
A video to help explain the core concepts and set you up for the exercises (#)
Step by Step worksheets broken into core steps and optional extra steps (for those that like to extend themselves) *
A specially created meditation to help you ground the learnings *
A weekly “Around the Campfire chat” – format Q & A on the weekly step hosted by Lynette.
PLEASE NOTE The calls are scheduled to take place on WEDNESDAYS @ 11am AEDST (SYD) Time. You’ll be able to submit any questions you may have before 12noon on the Tuesday and have the chance to have it answered LIVE by Lynette. These will be recorded in case you miss it. (#)
3 months of access to the steps and portal ( With guidance from me for the live launch 9 weeks).
During this journey I will teach you about your energy system, how to connect and move the energy between the physical and energetic worlds, how to process your energy through your body and the physical world and balance you in the middle so that things are harmonious again.
We go right through the major energy centres & power points
& look at how they are playing out in your life.
* = indicates downloadable content
(#) = indicates content is available too stream on the portal but non-downloadable content

Secure your seat for A$367
(Save A$30)
✅ 9 x weekly LIVE virtual workshops with My Energy Mentor: Lynette Arkadie
✅ Full replays of all recorded workshops
✅ Weekly LIVE Q & A included in the virtual workshop
✅ Downloadable & Editable Workbooks and handouts for each step of the process
✅ 3 months of extended access to the online portal once the LIVE 9 weeks wrap up.
Secure your seat for A$397
✅ 9 x weekly LIVE virtual workshops with My Energy Mentor: Lynette Arkadie
✅ Full replays of all recorded workshops
✅ Weekly LIVE Q & A included in the virtual workshop
✅ Downloadable & Editable Workbooks and handouts for each step of the process
✅ 3 months of extended access to the online portal once the LIVE 9 weeks wrap up.
AUD $87 upfront
and then the remainder split either:
over 4 x fortnightly payments of AUD $77.50
8 x weekly payments of AUD$38.75
Extra Questions?
Let me help you with that
(click to expand each question)
+ How Do I know if The Tune-Up is for me?
Good question.
The simplest answer would be that if you're feeling like the challenges or discomfort you may be going through are more than just a series of random, unconnected events and you can feel that you're an energetic being having a human experience...this is for you.
My job is basically to teach people how to understand and drive their energy system. To help them make sense of it and make new choices for themselves from an empowered and informed perspective.
One that honours the idea you are a spiritual and energetic being, having a human experience.
+ Do I need to have done any energy work previously?
No. This is a self-contained journey, You bring you, you are your subject, I provide the information, structure and guidance for you to complete and repeat the journey as you desire.
+ Does this replace therapy?
No. It's important to see this a framework and set of tools you can use to reset the flow of your mental, physical, emotional & spiritual worlds. And yet the discussion and deep dives into the emotional process that this may bring up is best done with the direct support of a trained therapist, counsellor or psychotherapist in one on one sessions.
This framework will give you the structure to tackle other aspects of life and to build a strong structure around that emotional processing. They work together.
If you feel like your circumstance or personal history require extra emotional or psychological support beyond the weekly group work- we'd encourage you either have your trained support team independently in place or wait to enrol until you are able to work more autonomously and feel more secure.
+ Do I only need to do this once?
We will work through the system together (in a group format) once so that it is clear how to use it, when to use it and why. The process has been designed so you can repeat the cycle by yourself any time you feel that you (or life) gets out of tune.
+ How is this different from the bigger program you offer?
The bigger program is the EMP (Energy Mentor Program) and is my signature year-long course that will open sometime in 2025. It's an in-depth deep dive into the body-mind, soul and spirit and includes working one-on-one together each month. It's a deeper, more thorough commitment to the soul journey and as such requires a bigger investment of time and finance.
The 9-week Tune-Up is designed as a stand-alone program to use and connect into, to either begin the journey or to reset when life gets out of balance.
If you are interested in the EMP, the Tune-Up is a wonderful introduction to some of the concepts.
+ Do I get access to all the content straightaway?
As this is a LIVE round where i'll be teaching the group- we're going to move through the content one week at a time.. as it unlocks one week at a time.
For those who love a good Netflix binge...this is going to help slow you down. For those who miss a step- you'll have access for 3 months after we finish and also a "Tune Up Takeaway" to keep you on track
+ How long do I have access to the Tune-Up Portal?
We will provide access to the online portal for a full 3 months bringing you all the way up to close of business (SYD time) 31st March 2025 We've found from over 7 years of running courses and workshops that when you have unlimited time...more often than not people take "unlimited time". That by condensing access to 3 months it encourages you to make the small changes and start seeing the benefits sooner rather than later. In saying that- we have also created a "Tune Up Takeaway" which is a downloadbale package of all the key elements to keep with you.
+ Does the course include a private reading with Lynette?
Unfortunately no. The course is designed (and priced) as a group process which allows you to work through it with other like-minded soul travellers. You do have the opportunity to submit questions to Lynette to answer on the weekly group calls though.
Our year-long mentoring process (The EMP) has direct private monthly access with Lynette if that's something you're interested in. Enrolments are scheduled to open 2025 for that.
+ What if I join and feel the course isn't right for me?
No stress. Finding the right spiritual guide and process is super important. We'd have hoped you had a chance to meet me and get a sense of who I am and how I work by listening to my podcast "The Woo Woo 'Verse".
If you join the course and feel like after Week 1...the course isn't a great fit for you.... just email my team at tuneup.at.myenergymentor.com and we'll refund the amount you paid (minus any payment processing fees). Refund requests must be submitted prior to the close of business (5 pm SYD time) on Tuesday 15th October 2024.
+ Can anyone enrol & what kind of time commitment does it require?
The Tune-Up is open to beginners & experienced folk alike.
For the beginners, it's an introduction to a simple process to run when life starts to get messy.
For the seasoned Soul Traveller, it's a chance to strip it back to the simple things that ACTUALLY work and learn how to reset quickly.
The only prerequisite is a willingness to excavate yourself and the courage to do so.
The program will be fully guided, taught & hosted by Me each week and then individually navigated by you.
The weekly steps will be simple, focused and only require a minimum of 2 hours a week. You can use the other 164 hours in your week to tend to life.
+ I'm under 18 years old. Can I join?
I'm sorry young Padawan but legally we can't work together until you turn 18. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your enthusiasm and firmly believe in the next generations superpowers! Until then please use the free and accessible tools on my podcast The Woo Woo 'Verse and come and say Hi on Insta @myenergymentor
+ My life is pretty busy at the moment and I feel like I need to reset it- but is joining this course going to help that?
Good question.
First of all... #support you.
If you feel like your life (and energy) is busy or overwhelmed, then it probably is and that's so good you can name it. Period. That niggling feeling that “something needs to change” is worth paying attention too. In my experience that niggling voice is only going to get louder and louder until a spiritual tipping point is reached.
Now I come from the belief that if I could just give you some time, space, silence and a pen and paper- you could probably figure out the first few small steps to make meaningful change in your life to unwind or reset. Part of this course will ask you to create that space regularly, simply to get you used to tuning into your own energy system.
But one of my goals of this course is to equip you with other tools to help you learn to look at your life and experience with different lenses and to use these tools to help you manage you. I can’t change or control the external circumstances of your life but I can help you manage your energy.
Some people collect courses like they collect adding things to their to-do list. Some people join courses and treat them like homework- methodically just chipping away at it.
I’ve designed this program to be deliberately simple. We get 168 hours a week with most people being awake for 119 of those (here's hoping you get your 7hours of sleep a night!). I'm only asking you to dedicate 1.5h a week and you can use the other 117.5hours to manage life and keep the processes and exercises in your back pocket for when you need to use them.
+ I've done lots of workshops before and am curious about the "simple" aspect of this course?
Sometimes people discount the simple because it challenges their core beliefs about the energy that you need to put into something to get a solid return. This program is simple and has the capacity to work simple wonders in your life if worked with an open mind, a little bit of persistence and a gentle can-do attitude to keep trying.
+ Is this course religious?
No. But it is a spiritual course- meaning that as long as you have a belief in something greater than yourself (whether you call that The Universe, Your Higher Power, The Devine, God or any incarnation of that)...there's a safe space for you in our group.
I'm teaching about the fundamentals of energy and may refer to "God" from time to time but that's just the name I sometimes interchange for any of the other versions of that Divine energy. It's super important that you find the name or understanding of that emergy that works for you.
+ How much do I need to engage with or be "seen" in this course?
Totally up to you. The weekly group calls will be audio-only. Co-Vid and the endless cycles of zoom calls and webinars have only re-enforced my belief that having a video on, distracts more than it helps. You can tune in to the group calls in your pj's while going for a walk or simply listen to the recordings afterwards from the student portal.
The weekly calls will take place via Zoom (no video- audio only) and you can access either by downloading the App or logging in via a web interface. This course doesn't use Facebook or any other social media or messaging service. We want you to connect into you- not everyone else.
I will be facilitating the live 9-week run of the program between Wednesday 9th October through until our last group call on Wednesday 4th December 2024. After this time you'll have access to the student portal to re-run the process for yourself with the portal closing on 31st March 2025.
+ I still have another question...
Totally fine. Just email us via tuneup @ myenergymentor.com and we'll try and get back to you ASAP with an answer.